Monday, March 8, 2010

Student Leadership

"Its the little things you do make the big differences"

What is a Student Leader?

-"Someone who is responsible for everything"
-"Someone who is capable of helping with a variety of things"

Does taking the step to lead make you become a leader?
Everyone can be a leader, they can lead by examples, practising what they say. It is believed that anytime you have someone following behind you can be considered a leader.

Some ways of becoming a leader
-Do Homework
-Showing up to School
-Actively participating in groups and projects around the school

Characteristics of becoming a leader
-Speaking up for what is right
-Recognising who you are
-Always willing to learn
-Having the initiative to be m.a.d (making a difference)

Every leader has a leader, every leader looks up to someone.

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